Monday 7 October 2013

Free machine work

Today has been a day experimentation.
I looked at my selection of threads and decided that I needed a trip to Trim it and Johnson in South Shore, Blackpool. Moon thread is available in both shops for 80p per spool and Johnsons has a massive selection of shades.  It's like an Aladdin's cave in there and I just LOVE it. I never come out with just the things I went in for! (Today I've added to my ribbon collection ...Sssh!)

I had another go at setting the machine up for free embroidery and it was really quite quick.

A while ago I made these rectangles of leaves but was not satisfied with the end result, so today I have added some free machine stitches.

I pressed the foot pedal hard and moved the fabric really slowly. I've ended up with a really tiny stitch, which had added some texture.
I will have to try to get some better pictures so the needle work is clearer.
I know that I want to encase this panel and add it to a cushion and I've just got the perfect ribbon to go with it.

This time I used a twin needle and had 3 different coloured threads going through.   I still looks flat in the picture, but I think I like the end result when I can see it in the day light.

Then ......  DISASTER STRUCK! 
  I decided to use the twin needle again and free machined on some hand made felt.  I love the textured effect, but the whole think is misshapen and I'm going to have to perform some sort of rescue to make this piece work.

Something good will come of it in the end!

1 comment:

  1. Well done, I think you may becoming addicted!!! So much freedom is great. Do you want another piece of the purple felt??
