Sunday 13 October 2013

Craft fair nerves.

I awoke really early this morning because I needed to finish some items that I ant to take along to the craft fair today. For some reason I have been really nervous about this fair.  maybe it's because I've got some different things for sale today.

I have been sewing some flower scenes when I've had a quiet minute or a little bit of fabric left over and I decided that I could turn these into cards. This is new for me as I have never made cards until this weekend.

I have also decorated a couple of aprons for some friends, but will put them on the stall and show what 


I have also bought some canvas sacks which have become laundry bags.
My friend has put one in her teenage son's room and apparently it has done the trick and the laundry had made it into the bag rather that staying on the floor!  (Miraculous I hear you say!)
My Sister-in-law takes these on holiday so that the 'used' clothing has a place of its own. I thought this was a great idea.

I have added a pocket with a name on to this pink apron. It will fit a child up to 12 years of age.

This one will fit a toddler.
I thought I might add a baking image as well as the name but then decided that the apron would be more versatile without the image.

It's time I packed all my goodies up and set off for the fair.  I'll let you know how I got on.

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